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Response to the DfT mode shift grants review call for evidence

02 February 2024

Rail Partners' response to the Department for Transport's Mode shift grants review – which includes a comprehensive review of the Mode Shift Revenue Support (MSRS) scheme. The current iteration of the scheme is set to expire on 31 March 2026.

The submission by Rail Partners covers:

  • How mode shift grants already play an essential role in enabling rail freight to deliver positive environmental and economic outcomes
  • The case for building on the success of current modal shift initiatives and how that might be achieved to deliver more benefits

For more on how grants play an essential role in delivery of freight growth see our blog here.

More consultation responses

Response to the DfT mode shift grants review call for evidence
Response to DfT adapting the UK’s transport system to the impacts of climate change consultation
Response to the rail freight growth target call for evidence